Del Lago Academy would like to invite you to the 2023 Spring Open House: A Celebration of Learning! on Thursday, May 11. Come and see what our 11th, 10th, and 9th graders have been learning this spring!
11th graders will be presenting their experiences from this semester’s internships during pre-assigned time slots in the math galleria of the C building. Families are invited to hear their presentations from 6-8 pm.
Families of 10th graders are invited to the theater as our counselors present about the ASVAB, an assessment that all 10th graders took earlier this semester that can aid them in exploring potential careers--English presentation at 5:30 and Spanish presentation at 6:00. Our College and Career Tech will then preview the upcoming junior year internships. You will be able to ask our 10th graders job interview questions that they have been preparing for as part of this semester’s interdisciplinary project.
Families of 9th graders are invited to our 9th grade classrooms and Omni Room in the C building so that they can experience what our 9th graders have learned and created this semester.
Families of seniors are invited to all the campus events as they prepare to celebrate their 12th grader’s upcoming graduation.
We will also be hosting a community fair on the quad with food trucks from 5:30 to 8:00 pm. Come join our Celebration of Learning!