New Information about the '20-'21 School Year Information about learning options and frequently asked questions is available on our website. Please click the School Year '20-'21 link on our main menu.
Take the "Return to School" Survey DLA Families - please click to take an important survey about returning to school this coming semester
Vote for the 2020/2021 DLA Foundation Board of Directors Please click to access the survey and cast your vote.
EUHSD Senior Celebration Live Stream Tonight Tonight, Escondido Union High Schoool District celebrates the class of 2020. Click for more information on how to access the live stream.
End-of-the-Year Dialogue with Del Lago & Parent Foundation Meeting You are invited to our end-of-year Dialogue with Del Lago ZOOM meeting on 5/19/20 at 4:30PM. Click for more.
2020 Graduation Plan Click to download a PDF with information and instructions for senior checkout and graduation.
Student Site Council Meeting Agenda Click to download and review the agenda for the SSC's meeting on 5/6/20